NatureScot Research Report 1309 - Understanding the Indirect Drivers of Biodiversity Loss in Scotland.
This report explores the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss in Scotland, emphasizing the societal values and behaviors that underpin the direct drivers such as land use change, resource extraction, pollution, and climate change. It follows the framework of the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) report and highlights five key indirect drivers: socio-cultural factors, demography, economic patterns, politics and governance, and technology. The report provides an analysis of how these drivers are manifest in Scotland, offering evidence and identifying potential levers for change. It stresses the need to address these underlying drivers at local, national, and global levels to prevent further biodiversity loss and to ensure sustainable use of resources. Additionally, the report outlines recommendations for action by various stakeholders, including individuals, communities, government bodies, and businesses, to shift societal values and improve biodiversity governance and policy.