NatureScot Research Report 1327 - The creation of a Grassland Fungi Mapping Database for Scotland.

Published online
24 Nov 2024
Published by
UK, NatureScot
Content type

Mitchel, D. G. & O'Brien, K.

Publication language
UK & Scotland


This report focuses on the conservation of grassland fungi, specifically those species known as CHEGD, which are essential to unimproved grasslands in the UK. The study aimed to compile and organize mycological records from various sources into a comprehensive database of sites that host important grassland fungi communities. By calculating CHEGD and SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) scores for these sites, the report highlights areas of significant fungal biodiversity and identifies which sites are of European importance for conservation. The database, which includes over 36,000 records and is accompanied by GIS mapping layers, makes this information accessible to both the public and private sectors. Key findings include notable sites in Scotland such as Hopetoun House for waxcaps and Duackbridge for fairy clubs, and the creation of tools to help protect these valuable habitats from threats such as land-use change and habitat fragmentation.

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