Breeding Bird Survey of Trowbridge Woods, Wiltshire.
This report provides an update on the breeding bird survey conducted in Trowbridge Woods, a proposed Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in the UK. The survey aimed to determine whether the woodland and scrub breeding bird assemblages meet the revised Guidelines for the Selection of SSSIs (2020). Key areas surveyed include the Northern Block woods, Picket and Clanger Wood, and the Other Southern Block woods. The methodology involved Common Bird Census techniques, transect routes, and automated recording devices to capture data on target species such as the Milvus milvus (red kite), Luscinia megarhynchos (nightingale), and Strix aluco (tawny owl). Notable findings include the presence of a red kite pair, a single male nightingale, and multiple tawny owl families. The report also highlights the breeding status of various species and the methodologies used to assess territories.