British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), James Pearce-Higgins.
The main aims of JNCC and BTO partnerships are: (1)to monitor breeding bird population trends (at UK and country level), likely demographic mechanisms and environmental causes of these changes; (2) to monitor passage and wintering waterbird populations at site, country and UK level and to identify population trends, and probable causes; and (3) to monitor UK trends of larger diurnal mammals. These aims was carried out using the following methods: (1) structured methods ~ census (Wetland Bird Survey, Goose and Swan Monitoring Programme); (2)structured methods, stratified random sampling (Breeding Bird Survey, Waterways Breeding Bird Survey, Species-specific surveys); (3) structured methods, non-random sampling (Structured ringing schemes, Seabird Monitoring Programme, Goose and Swan Monitoring Programme, Garden Bird Watch); and (4) unstructured (Bird Track, Nest Record Scheme, General ringing).