UKCEH, Countryside Survey & ERAMMP, Laura Bentley.

Published online
07 Dec 2024
Published by
UK, UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Content type
Conference slides

Publication language


This presentation discusses the ERAMMP (Environmental and Rural Agricultural Monitoring and Management Programme) and the Countryside Survey, which provide essential long-term monitoring of the natural environment in the UK. The goal is to track changes in environmental conditions over time and assess the impact of policies such as the Welsh Agri-Environment Scheme, Glastir. Using a robust statistical design, the monitoring incorporates various metrics, including environmental and cultural features, and employs innovative tools like satellite data, eDNA, and social surveys. The presentation highlights the need for better integration of monitoring efforts across the four nations, leveraging new technologies and systems thinking to support agricultural and environmental policies, improve local restoration efforts, and ensure that future monitoring is aligned with emerging needs.

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