Landscape metrics predict habitat redundancy of restored oyster reefs for recruitment enhancement of dominant estuarine fish.

Published online
21 Jan 2025
Content type
Journal article
Journal title
Journal of Applied Ecology

Davenport, T. M. & Hughes, A. R. & Grabowski, J. H.
Contact email(s)

Publication language
North Carolina & USA


Structured biogenic habitats in estuarine and coastal landscapes (or seascapes) augment nekton species' production; yet, landscape setting may make restored habitats functionally redundant to co-occurring habitats for some species. Few relationships between recruitment enhancement and continuous landscape metrics have been quantified, limiting our ability to incorporate functional redundancy into restoration practice. To address this gap, we quantified two landscape metrics, per cent structure of proximal habitat and near distance to co-occurring structured habitats, for experimentally restored oyster reefs in an intertidal landscape in Middle Marsh, North Carolina, USA. We then examined relationships between each landscape metric and recruitment enhancement of juvenile pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), a species that uses multiple biogenic habitats and has high site fidelity as juveniles. We estimated that reefs with <33% proximal structured habitat within 15 m and <59% within 50 m contributed to recruitment enhancement, as defined by greater juvenile pinfish abundances at reefs than controls and no overlap in 95% confidence intervals. Additionally, functional redundancy, assigned according to per cent structure of proximal habitat within 15 or 50 m of restored reefs, reduced estimates of nekton recruitment enhancement in this experimental landscape by 58.3% or 33.3%, respectively. Estimates of nekton production augmented by restoration may be inflated if they have not been adjusted to account for habitat redundancy. Synthesis and applications. Landscape metrics offer some predictive capacity to help restoration practitioners avoid habitat redundancy for recruitment enhancement and extend beyond considering individual habitats toward integrating landscape scale processes into predictions and restoration practice. We demonstrated a straightforward process for restoration practitioners to identify where habitats may be redundant and incorporate the landscape into restoration siting decisions: delineate co-occurring structured habitat with publicly accessible orthoimagery and model juvenile nekton relationships with proximal percent structure and near distance to other structured habitats.

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