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This paper proposes a freshwater biomonitoring approach that, if adopted, will better enable the effects of climate change on the Arctic freshwaters t...
Read moreThis report discusses the use of occupancy modeling to improve the accuracy of species population estimates, focusing on lichens as a case study. It h...
Read morePredictions of the identities and ecological impacts of invasive alien species are critical for risk assessment, but presently we lack universal and s...
Read moreThe effects of biological invasions on native biodiversity have resulted in a range of policy and management initiatives to minimize their impacts. Al...
Read moreLowland Calluna-dominated heathlands are a high priority for conservation in Europe. As an anthropogenic subclimax community they require regular mana...
Read moreAngling is a globally popular leisure activity. There are over 31 million anglers in Europe, many of which target species of the Cyprinidae family in ...
Read moreManagement of non-native species aims to prevent biological invasions using actions including control and containment of the potential invader. Biocon...
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