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To encourage more project assessment and reporting of restoration outcomes, Palmer et al. (2005) propose five criteria for assessing the ecological su...
Read moreThe authors of 'Standards for ecologically successful restoration' (Palmer et al. 2005) are commended for clearly articulating and discussing the nuan...
Read moreIt is necessary to improve knowledge exchange between scientists and decision-makers so that scientific evidence can be readily accessed to inform pol...
Read moreThis paper summarizes a strategic framework agreed by the statutory nature conservation agencies for conserving the native vascular and non-vascular p...
Read moreSpoil N composition, DM yield, herbage N concentration and N yield were determined in Festuca rubra L. and Lolium perenne L. swards established on col...
Read moreThis report represents the fifth phase of a wider assessment to identify sites of importance to the bird populations within, and now outside of, the S...
Read moreClearly defined restoration targets are necessary to judge the effectiveness of management actions in restoring damaged ecosystems. However, the ident...
Read moreGiven the current debate on the global food crisis, conservation in Europe is expected to shift from maximizing biodiversity at the expense of yield t...
Read moreIncreasingly, river managers are turning from hard engineering solutions to ecologically based restoration activities in order to improve degraded wat...
Read moreStreams collect runoff, heat, and sediment from their watersheds, making them highly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances such as urbanization and...
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