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The biodiversity and climate crises are critical challenges of this century. Wildflower meadows in urban areas could provide important nature-based so...
Read moreThe brown honeyeater (Lichmera indistincta) is a common bird species in Australia and is a pollinator of many native plant species but there are no re...
Read moreForaging on crops by wild ungulates may create human-wildlife conflicts through reducing crop production. Ungulates interact with and within complex s...
Read moreRecent biodiversity declines require action across sectors such as agriculture. The situation is particularly acute for arthropods, a species-rich tax...
Read moreThe widespread decline of insect pollinators poses a conservation concern and threatens both the pollination of wild plants and crops. Primary drivers...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectiondeThis link goes to a Deutsche section Flower strips have become a prevalent measure in agricultural landscapes t...
Read moreCassava is consumed by 800 million people and is a staple crop in Africa. Its production may increase under climate change due to its high drought tol...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionesThis link goes to a Spanish section Despite the importance of insect pollination to produce marketable fruits, ...
Read moreUrban landscapes often harbour organisms that harm people and threaten native biodiversity. These landscapes are characterized by differences in socio...
Read moreNectar and pollen are floral resources that provide food for insect pollinators, so quantifying their supplies can help us to understand and mitigate ...
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