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Soon after the start of the transition to market economy in the early 1990s, Poland has experienced both a dramatic decline in the fertility rate and ...
Read moreIn a radioecological study of several common species of the Buller Gorge uraniferous area (South Island), the trees Nothofagus fusca and Weinmannia ra...
Read moreSuperstitious beliefs threaten wildlife species, yet they have received limited attention in the scientific literature. Through a mixed-method approac...
Read moreReports a study in which four unmanaged, even-aged stands of second-growth mixed hardwoods 67-97 years old, dominated by Quercus spp., near Asheville,...
Read moreThe aim of this research was to gain a better understanding of children's perspectives on what 'quality' means in their local natural environments. Th...
Read moreNatural England commissioned this series of evidence briefings called 'Included Outside' to bring together existing evidence on barriers to engagement...
Read moreAnother version of work already noticed [see FA 34, 853] showing that LAI and the date when leaf fall was half completed accounted for 72% of the vari...
Read moreA comparison of the vegetation and soil was made around 2 boreholes, differing in cattle density and exploitation period, in the dry savanna of E. Bot...
Read moreDescribes a study in two-36-year-old stands of P. radiata to determine the effects of a heavy thinning in one of them at 30 years of age on the unders...
Read moreDescribes a study in Bleans Woods National Nature Reserve, north-east Kent, to investigate the effects of seasonal and temporal variations in soil tem...
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