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The effect of different livestock grazing regimes on the insect fauna of an upland, semi-natural grassland was measured in 1993 and 1994 in the UK by ...
Read moreThe highly invasive spotted wing Drosophila Drosophila suzukii is a key pest of soft fruit and berries in Europe and North America, and development of...
Read moreIncreasing crop configurational heterogeneity-smaller crop fields with more field margins-has been repeatedly found to support farmland biodiversity. ...
Read moreLow winter food availability is probably critical in the declines of many farmland bird species in Europe, leading to the implementation of ameliorati...
Read moreParasitic plants in the genus Cuscuta (dodders) make their living by extracting resources from other plants. While relatively few dodder species are a...
Read moreAs tropical cattle ranching continues to expand, successful conservation will require an improved understanding of the relative impacts of different l...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionslThis link goes to a English section Although several studies have focused on the influence of moonlight on deer...
Read moreFire is important for the maintenance and conservation of African savanna ecosystems. Despite the importance of fire intensity as a key element of the...
Read morePart 1: The influence of routine sprays of winter wash (0.1 % DNOC+3.0% petroleum oil), lime-sulphur and captan on populations of P. ulmi and its pred...
Read moreNumerical studies of the relationship between birds and their habitat are important because they provide understanding of the impacts of natural and h...
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