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Reinvasion pressure is the rate of new exotic recruitment following mature exotic removal and it can vary broadly among similarly invaded habitats. Re...
Read moreLandscape composition and local diversification practices such as polyculture, cover cropping and hedgerows may promote natural pest control by benefi...
Read moreWhile freshwater systems provide important goods and services for society, they are threatened by human activity. Fragmentation is one of the most ser...
Read moreThis working paper is intended to help countries in West Africa, and local communities and farmers to adopt climate-smart land management practices th...
Read moreThe presence and abundance of Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus often relies on imprecise methods (e.g. fall covey counts), which can lead to inac...
Read moreA study was conducted to explore the synergies and trade-offs between built and natural infrastructure in the Tana River Basin. A simple framework for...
Read moreThe invasion of fynbos shrublands by woody weed species can reduce the water yield from catchment areas dramatically. The consequences of uncontrolled...
Read moreDuring 1986 and 1987, 15 wheat and 15 barley fields were surveyed for damage caused by badgers, in an area in the south of England where badger densit...
Read moreOak savannas are biodiversity-rich landscapes allowing sustainable livestock production throughout the world. The long-term persistence of these ecosy...
Read moreThe serpentine tailings from asbestos mines in southeastern Quebec cover 5.5 km2 and are largely devoid of vegetation. The tailings have a high pH, ve...
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