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The release of more than 40 million captive-bred pheasants and red-legged partridges in Britain annually represents a significant addition to the pote...
Read moreRestoration of semi-arid shrub ecosystems often requires control of invasive grasses but the effects of these grass-control treatments on native and e...
Read moreThe heather beetle Lochmaea suturalis is a naturally occurring species in the heather dominated landscapes of the United Kingdom. When the heather bee...
Read moreThe effects of the presence of a crop on weed growth were compared using Avena fatua, A. ludoviciana and A. sativa as weed indicator species and A. sa...
Read moreAfter a century of fire suppression and accumulating fuel loads in North American forests, prescribed burns are increasingly used to prevent condition...
Read moreAn apionid weevil, Trichapion lativentre [Apion lativentre] has been introduced into South Africa where it is the only herbivore of any consequence on...
Read moreMicroplastic (MP) pollution and alien plant invasions are two important threats to terrestrial ecosystems. Microplastics alter the physical and chemic...
Read morePlanting forests is a commonly suggested measure to mitigate climate change. The resulting changes in habitat structure can greatly influence the dive...
Read moreDominance of native or alien competitive plants causes competitive exclusion of subordinate species and represents a major mechanism reducing biodiver...
Read moreRoads are a major driver of environmental stress, yet we know surprisingly little about how roads impact the movement of insect pollinators, and conse...
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