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The addition of floral resources is often recommended to improve entomophilous crop pollination. However, implanting new plots of mass-flowering resou...
Read moreMangroves are significant carbon (C) sinks and ecological engineers as they accumulate sediments and increase soil surface elevation. Thus, the forest...
Read moreExtensive global estuarine wetland losses have prompted intensive focus on restoration of these habitats. In California, substantial tracts of freshwa...
Read morePost-mining freshwater habitats can serve as secondary habitats for threatened species. Being globally plentiful, their efficient restoration should b...
Read moreThe freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera is a benthic organism sensitive to hydrological regime alterations and habitat degradation dri...
Read moreInvasive bivalves continue to spread and negatively impact freshwater ecosystems worldwide. As different metrics for body size and biomass are frequen...
Read moreThe significant portion of global terrestrial biodiversity harboured in the mountains is under increasing threat from various anthropogenic impacts. P...
Read morePine (genus Pinus) species are planted extensively for forestry purposes in areas where they are non-native, with the result that biological invasions...
Read moreThe stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) provides a conceptual framework for explaining how environmental context determines the nature of biotic interact...
Read moreWorld-wide, tropical savannas and dry forests are under increasing pressure from land use. The environmental impacts of agricultural expansion into th...
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