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The effect of three weed control treatments on the rhizome system of bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) was assessed in field trials at Cavenham and Weetin...
Read moreMore sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices, including ecological intensification, are needed to reduce biodiversity loss and...
Read moreExperimentally manipulating urban tree abundance and structure can help explore the complex and reciprocal interactions among people, biodiversity and...
Read moreIncreasing landscape complexity can enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services in agroecosystems. However, policies based on conversion of arable lan...
Read moreRestoring structural elements of habitats and understanding how restoration interacts with environmental factors such as grazing management can be cru...
Read moreThe faecal output of geese (Anseriformes) is often measured in the course of bioenergetic or flock management studies. The first objective of this inv...
Read moreMultiple pieces of evidence in conservation can be brought together in a variety of ways including systematic maps, subject-wide evidence synthesis, s...
Read moreData are reported from studies at 3 sites crossed by highway A2 between Utrecht and Eindhoven, Netherlands - one near woodland dominated by Populus, a...
Read moreA study was made of the effect of secondarily treated effluent on the phosphorus budget of a central Florida freshwater marsh. Three 2000 m2 plots rec...
Read moreThis paper addresses the errors that are associated with the long-term prediction of weed densities, and the effect of these errors on the performance...
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