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In an oak/hickory forest in E. Tennessee, observations in 1975, 1977 and 1979 showed an apparent tendency for some bird species to establish territori...
Read moreEarthworm populations were estimated in topsoil stored during opencast mining for coal and in replaced soil. Soil from the surface of storage heaps wa...
Read moreThis special issue contains 6 papers with the aim of synthesizing and deepening the understanding of the ecology and functioning of forest recovery in...
Read moreNet radiation, soil surface temperature and soil water evaporation were measured in the vicinity of gully plugs and contour furrows in Atriplex corrug...
Read moreData on black grouse densities and breeding success were collected from five blocks of moorland in N. England and S. Scotland, each consisting of four...
Read moreLinseed and lucerne seeds were sown broadcast over a 100 m2 field which was then ploughed twice at right angles to 20 cm and harrowed to a fine tilth....
Read moreAt Cooper's Hill Nature Reserve, Bedfordshire, England, areas of mature heather Calluna vulgaris have been lost and replaced by dense grassy swards. W...
Read moreIn a recently published paper, Silva et al. conclude that placing fruit feeders (induced seed dispersal) in restored tropical forests serves to enrich...
Read moreUnderstanding plant species interactions along successional trajectories is critical for managing and restoring ecosystems, as both resource availabil...
Read moreA sward of perennial ryegrass cv. S23 grown during 1979-81 was treated on 20 April with 130 kg N/ha as ammonium nitrate doubly labelled with 15N, foll...
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