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The dormancy of seeds of shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) in different soil structures during the 63-day period of establishment of a crop o...
Read moreAlthough crop rotation has been used for centuries to enhance agricultural production, there are surprisingly little data justifying the use of one ro...
Read moreAccounting for 10%-30% of global soil organic carbon, grassland soils potentially present a large reservoir for storing atmospheric CO2. Livestock gra...
Read moreInvasive species are known to cause significant negative impacts to ecosystems and to people. In this paper, an outline on the nature of these economi...
Read moreHumans have traded and transported alien species for millennia with two notable step-changes: the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Industri...
Read moreThe number of individuals involved in an invasion event, or 'propagule size', has a strong theoretical basis for influencing invasion success. However...
Read moreRoads are an important conduit for the spread of invasive species. Road age is a key factor that could influence the susceptibility of roads to invasi...
Read moreBiological invasions are characterized by occasional long-distance, human-assisted dispersal. Centres of human transportation that are connected by tr...
Read moreThis study discusses theoretical and practical issues around the definition of internal borders for the management of marine pests, drawing on princip...
Read moreInvasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity and their introduction can have significant economic consequences. The invasive tunicate Di...
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