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Stingless beekeeping technology as an alternative livelihood in the Bicol region involves hunters, beekeepers, and assemblers of bee products. However...
Read moreUnderstanding the effects of red deer Cervus elaphus grazing on a range of plant communities is important for formulating guidelines for the managemen...
Read morePhysical inaccessibility often complicates censuses of poorly mobile organisms. We therefore assessed the effectiveness of using a sample of quadrat c...
Read moreThe possibility of preventing severe slug damage to oilseed rape by applying metaldehyde solely on wildflower strips adjacent to the crop was studied....
Read moreThe effects of the following perturbations on populations of freshwater gastropods from a drainage channel in the Southeast area of Lewes Brooks, East...
Read moreCurrent predictions about climate change and its impact on fire regimes have spurred research on how increasing fire frequencies will affect the popul...
Read moreAccording to the range limit hypothesis, the distribution of many temperate species is restricted by a trade-off between their capacity to survive win...
Read moreTo assess recovery of endangered species, reliable information on the size and density of the target population is required. In practice, however, thi...
Read moreNeonicotinoids are now the most widely used insecticides in the world. They act systemically, travelling through plant tissues and protecting all part...
Read moreWater levels in areas with intensive agriculture have often been strictly controlled for decades. Recently, more natural fluctuating water levels have...
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