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The impact of bloom picking on subsequent flower and cone production, seed bank dynamics and plant architecture was studied in 3 picked and 3 unpicked...
Read moreAlthough crop rotation has been used for centuries to enhance agricultural production, there are surprisingly little data justifying the use of one ro...
Read moreAccounting for 10%-30% of global soil organic carbon, grassland soils potentially present a large reservoir for storing atmospheric CO2. Livestock gra...
Read moreInvasive species are known to cause significant negative impacts to ecosystems and to people. In this paper, an outline on the nature of these economi...
Read moreDetailed interviews on 48 cat owners in the United Kingdom were conducted to investigate how they feel about their pets' hunting behaviour, to find ou...
Read moreThis article describes a six-step framework that includes local ecological, economic and social knowledge to select the best management strategies to ...
Read moreUnder the Bonn Challenge, the government of Malawi committed to reforest over 30% of the country by 2030, but at least in the south, few trees planted...
Read moreAs a silvicultural practice, forest fertilization has emerged to mitigate risks and reduce the effect of damage agents on timber supply due to climate...
Read moreThese proceedings contain the full-length papers, extended abstracts, and research abstracts of oral presentations and posters given at the Sixth Inte...
Read moreHumans have traded and transported alien species for millennia with two notable step-changes: the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Industri...
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