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Persistence of standing dead trees (snags) is an important determinant for their role for biodiversity and dead wood associated carbon fluxes. How fas...
Read moreMany plants rely on soil seedbanks to persist in fire-prone ecosystems. However, knowledge of plant responses to fire is largely based on above-ground...
Read moreConservation triage is an evolving strategy designed to allocate limited resources to address pressures that require urgent actions due to their conse...
Read moreThis presentation highlights Northern Ireland's water monitoring efforts led by the Department of Agriculture, Environment, and Rural Affairs (DAERA),...
Read moreThe presentation outlines Scotland's approach to water monitoring, which aims to understand the environment, ensure compliance with regulations, inves...
Read moreThis presentation highlights the purpose and methodology of environmental monitoring, which is essential for protecting and improving air, land, and w...
Read moreThis presentation discusses the use of UK environmental monitoring data to assess and value natural capital, which refers to elements of the natural e...
Read moreThe slide outlines the evolution and scope of environmental monitoring in Wales over the last decade, emphasizing both its achievements and emerging c...
Read moreThis presentation discusses Scotland's approach to environmental monitoring, presenting the Initial Monitoring Framework, funding and infrastructure, ...
Read moreThis meeting aims to enhance the visibility of the extensive environmental monitoring evidence base, making it accessible to a broader community of re...
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