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On each of two sites in western Texas, 240 Juniperus pinchotii plants were harvested. The competitive influence of herbs and shrubs associated with ea...
Read moreIn order to determine the influence of habitat shape on aspects of the population dynamics of birds, 196 male red-capped robins (Petroica goodenovii) ...
Read moreA description is given of apparatus used for measuring photosynthesis and respiration in C. vulgaris under controlled conditions of light intensity, r...
Read moreFactors which encouraged the establishment of populations of Senecio aquaticus in agricultural grassland in Orkney included (1) the presence of water ...
Read moreMoorlands store large amounts of carbon providing a valuable ecosystem service. In the UK, prescribed burning is often used to manage moorlands, which...
Read moreRevegetation dynamics on vertical cliff faces in abandoned limestone quarries were examined at 18 sites in southern Ontario, Canada, abandoned between...
Read moreThe demography of the vegetable ivory palm Phytelephas seemannii was studied on the Pacific coast of Colombia and a female-based matrix model was used...
Read moreConservation management to protect coastal ecosystems sometimes overlooks site-specific fine-scale heterogeneity. For example, while habitat loss is a...
Read moreManagement decisions for threatened and endangered species require risks to be identified and prioritized, based on the degree to which they influence...
Read moreAdder (Vipera berus) populations are experiencing declines in many countries, including the United Kingdom. Perceptions of adders and other venomous s...
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