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The Boetelerveld area in the province of Overijssel, Netherlands, was selected in 2004 as a Natura 2000 area based on 6 habitat types and the presence...
Read moreCollision-caused fatalities of animals at wind power facilities create a 'green versus green' conflict between wildlife conservation and renewable ene...
Read moreAquaculture is a promising source of fish and other aquatic organisms to ensure human food security but it comes at the price of diverse environmental...
Read moreEcological intensification in croplands aims to enhance biodiversity-based ecosystem services, helping to increase yield while reducing agricultural e...
Read moreMany farmers are facing high economic risks if pollinator declines continue or temporal and spatial variation in wild bee communities cause reduced po...
Read moreAlthough the importance of the soil microbiome in mediating plant community structures and functions has been increasingly emphasized in ecological st...
Read moreInput-driven, modern agriculture is commonly associated with large-scale threats to biodiversity, the disruption of ecosystem services and long-term r...
Read moreCarbon cycling in grasslands can be impacted by livestock grazing, partially as an indirect result of herbivory-induced compositional shifts in the pl...
Read moreEfforts to monitor and conserve populations and ecosystems in human-dominated landscapes can benefit from an empirical social-ecological systems appro...
Read moreClimate over Asian montane rangelands is changing faster than the global average, posing serious threats to the future of the region's livestock-based...
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