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Cumulative impact assessment (CIA) is a promising approach to guide marine spatial planning (MSP) and management. One limitation of CIA is the neglect...
Read moreDetermining acceptable rates of human-caused mortality in low-data situations is a concern for many taxa world-wide. An established approach for deter...
Read moreThe development of effective fire management for biodiversity conservation is a global challenge. The highly dynamic nature of fire, the difficulty in...
Read moreMoose (Alces alces) browsing on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) was studied in young stands of different sizes (1, 10 and >100 ha) and at different d...
Read moreThe nutrient input in rainfall was determined at three colliery spoil heaps in Yorkshire and at a rural site. The only major difference between sites ...
Read moreAttention is shifting from simplistic explanations of global amphibian declines that posit a single cause (such as climate change, pesticide contamina...
Read moreIn many ombrotrophic bog areas the invasion of grass (e.g. Molinia caerulea) and tree (e.g. Betula pubescens) species has become a major problem. We i...
Read moreInvasive plants pose a major threat to native plant communities around the globe. Current methods of controlling invasive vegetation focus on eradicat...
Read morePlant species composition and species response to grazing are fundamental to the management of grazing lands. Reliable prediction of grazing responses...
Read moreUnderstanding the ecological effects of processes operating at multiple spatial scales on multiple species is a key challenge in ecology. It underpins...
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