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Water-filled ditches are an important ecological feature of lowland Britain. Originally dug to facilitate wetland drainage, ditches often provide refu...
Read moreIn order to determine the influence of habitat shape on aspects of the population dynamics of birds, 196 male red-capped robins (Petroica goodenovii) ...
Read moreThe abundance and species richness of butterflies [Rhopalocera] on expanded-width uncropped arable field edges, which were subject to 10 contrasting, ...
Read morePerth - the capital city of Western Australia - sits at the centre of one of the world's 34 global biodiversity hotspots. For Hanson Construction Mate...
Read moreMeasurements were made of growth and death in spring and autumn in a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward, and by integration of growth and death dat...
Read more1-yr-old seedlings of Pueraria lobato were planted in 1955 about 1.5 m apart along a long cultivated strip 2.5 m wide on denuded soil and given NPK in...
Read moreThis briefing note is one of a series that summarises evidence of the relationships between the natural environment and a range of outcomes. This brie...
Read moreThe earthworm Lumbricus terrestris was the predominant food of the European badger; in the badger's habitat, L. terrestris was most abundant under pas...
Read morePlants of Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne were exposed to constant wind speeds of 1.1, 4.0, 7.4, or 10.0 m/s in a controlled-environment wind t...
Read moreDesigns are described for sensors, integrators and a readout device which together measure temp. (or day-degrees) and photosynthetically active radiat...
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