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The ecological resistance to the invasion of alien species has been extensively researched at the within-trophic level; however, the effect of cross-t...
Read moreThe scope and complexity of interactions within community food webs necessitates their simplification to a community module scale for conducting empir...
Read moreTime-area closures are an important tool for reducing fisheries bycatch, but their effectiveness and economic impact can be influenced by the changes ...
Read moreIt is widely appreciated that management shapes the dynamics of many ecological systems, but ecologists rarely consider the reverse interaction, that ...
Read moreWoody encroachment into grassy biomes is a global phenomenon, often resulting in a nearly complete turnover of species, with savanna specialists being...
Read moreGermination and establishment of the chalk grassland perennials Pimpinella saxifraga, Scabiosa columbaria, Plantago media and Achillea millefolium wer...
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