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Neonicotinoids are now the most widely used insecticides in the world. They act systemically, travelling through plant tissues and protecting all part...
Read moreBiological pest control is a key ecosystem service, and it depends on multiple factors acting from the local to the landscape scale. However, the effe...
Read moreThe spatial heterogeneity of limiting soil resources is an essential factor determining ecosystem processes and function. It has been reported that la...
Read moreOrganic farming (OF) enhances top soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in croplands compared with conventional farming (CF), which can contribute to seque...
Read moreInvasive species are known to cause significant negative impacts to ecosystems and to people. In this paper, an outline on the nature of these economi...
Read moreDetailed interviews on 48 cat owners in the United Kingdom were conducted to investigate how they feel about their pets' hunting behaviour, to find ou...
Read morePrograms that help farmers manage risk are a major component of the Federal Government's support to rural America. Changes to this risk-and thus to th...
Read moreHumans have traded and transported alien species for millennia with two notable step-changes: the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Industri...
Read moreSpring-fed wetlands are nested within California's oak savanna-annual grassland, which is considered a non-equilibrium-type system because it shows li...
Read moreSea wall flood defences provide important grassland habitats for bumblebees in the UK but the abandonment of cutting could be deleterious for declinin...
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