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Measurements were made of growth and death in spring and autumn in a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward, and by integration of growth and death dat...
Read moreS23 perennial ryegrass was grown for 4 years in boxes on levelled sites at 250-ft altitudinal intervals from 500 to 2250 ft alt. Floral development wa...
Read morePollen was transferred from the body of one honeybee to another as they brushed against each other inside the hive. Much of the pollen on the bodies o...
Read more1-yr-old seedlings of Pueraria lobato were planted in 1955 about 1.5 m apart along a long cultivated strip 2.5 m wide on denuded soil and given NPK in...
Read moreThe earthworm Lumbricus terrestris was the predominant food of the European badger; in the badger's habitat, L. terrestris was most abundant under pas...
Read morePlants of Festuca arundinacea and Lolium perenne were exposed to constant wind speeds of 1.1, 4.0, 7.4, or 10.0 m/s in a controlled-environment wind t...
Read moreDesigns are described for sensors, integrators and a readout device which together measure temp. (or day-degrees) and photosynthetically active radiat...
Read moreThe global climate and biodiversity crises are closely intertwined, yet no policy instrument currently tackles both jointly. This is problematic, as t...
Read more7 cv. of perennial ryegrass, which originated from countries having contrasting winter climates and with a range of heading dates, were grown in simul...
Read moreField-grown soyabeans were exposed to 3 levels of SO2 to determine the effects of the exposure upon photosynthesis and stomatal resistance. In plots w...
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