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Foraging by honey bees was studied in 1988 and 1989 in an orchard containing 5 cross-pollinating varieties of almond (Prunus dulcis). Every foraging h...
Read moreTwo models were tested against solar radiation data from a fully-leaved Quercus/Carya forest near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. Vertical profiles of sola...
Read moreIn investigations in New Zealand, percentage estimates of the total mortality of Pieris rapae (L.) due to ground-living arthropod predators obtained b...
Read moreVertical distribution of photosynthesis in crops of tobacco and sorghum was determined at intervals throughout the day using a portable chamber exposi...
Read moreIn each of three years, sugar beet was grown on; seven different soils with two rates of fertilizer-N. Differences in yield between different soils an...
Read moreThe following is almost entirely the author's summary of this part of a series [cf. R.A.E., A 53 580, etc.]. The effect of pockets of damp wheat on th...
Read moreThe bulk aerodynamic characteristics of a Picea sitchensis forest near Aberdeen, and hence the relation between the shearing stress on the top of the ...
Read moreUncovering the plant-soil feedback mechanisms underlying the assembly of belowground microbial communities is essential for terrestrial biodiversity c...
Read moreThe following is based on the authors' summary. Under favourable physical conditions, populations of Acarus siró L. reared on sterilised wheat-germ fl...
Read moreYield of grain from oats sown late (28 Apr.) and sprayed twice in May with 0.5% parathion was about 33% greater than that of untreated oats.-R.B.
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