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Increasing land abandonment in many areas of the world presents an opportunity for ecosystem recovery, which is often driven by seed dispersal by vert...
Read moreDisease models typically focus on temporal dynamics of infection, while often neglecting environmental processes that determine host movement. In many...
Read moreKnowledge of the link between a vector population's pathogen-transmission potential and its biotic environment can generate more realistic forecasts o...
Read moreEcological replacement using native mangrove species combined with physical treatments has become an effective method in controlling the spread of inv...
Read moreFlowering (number of panicles) in the fire-tolerant kangaroo paws Macropidia fuliginosa [Anigozanthos fuliginosus] and Anigozanthos pulcherrimus was g...
Read moreIn light of the global extent and cascading effect of our impact on the environment, we design and manage reserves to restore biodiversity and the fun...
Read moreInvasive alien plants have serious economic and ecological impacts, for example, by displacing native plants and invertebrates, and their management i...
Read moreInvasive herbivores can have large negative impacts on natural ecosystems. Management of invasive populations often requires frequent, broadscale, exp...
Read moreEpiphytes are an important component in many forest ecosystems. The proportion of threatened epiphyte species is high, and the impact of clearcuts on ...
Read moreThe addition of floral resources is often recommended to improve entomophilous crop pollination. However, implanting new plots of mass-flowering resou...
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