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Subordinate plants have a significant impact on soil organisms in primary successional floodplains and grassland ecosystems, but their role in subtrop...
Read moreThere is a great potential for increasing the production of rice in Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi. Many of the constraints on rice production are simila...
Read moreSamples of aphids and predators were taken from 10 spring barley and winter wheat fields in southern UK between May and September in 1972-77. The guts...
Read moreConventionally and organically managed Welsh grasslands on silty, loamy and sandy soils were sampled in September 1994 to assess effects of management...
Read moreThis paper describes the apparent distribution and incidence of bovine trypanosomiasis associated with the northward spread of G. morsitans in eastern...
Read moreProtected areas fall far short of securing the space needed to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem function at a global scale and in the face of climat...
Read moreIn 2015, three decades after the end of management, a bryophyte inventory was conducted in the natural forest reserves (NWR) Gottlob, Ruppelstein, and...
Read moreThe British uplands are internationally important for their unique plant and bird communities. They have considerable economic, nature conservation, l...
Read moreDispersal mass effects pose major challenges and opportunities for applied metacommunity ecology. A recent paper in Journal of Applied Ecology (https:...
Read moreInsecticide use and landscape context are major drivers for the abundance of beneficial arthropods, such as predators, parasitoids and pollinators. Ho...
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