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Data for Panolis flammea in a Pinus contorta forest for 1977-84 did not support the hypothesis that part of the forest was intrinsically more suscepti...
Read moreAlaska's Arctic tundra is one of the most rapidly warming regions in the world. For years, scientists have been working to interpret the effects of it...
Read moreThe Flagship Project 4 CCAFS implemented in Mali since 2014 considers a wide adoption of climate-friendly practices that can help improve the producer...
Read moreIn Rhodesia, studies were made of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westw. and G. pallidipes Aust. captured from stationary sources of ox odour (electric t...
Read moreThis report analyzes the costs and benefits of managing nitrogen fertilizer in ways that also reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cereal production (ri...
Read moreThe type of lysimeter described consisted of a galvanized steel vessel 47 cm diameter and 60 cm deep containing a soil monolith and resting in a hole ...
Read moreThe pine marten Martes martes is a woodland specialist that favours above-ground arboreal den sites to rest and breed in. Sheltered, elevated den site...
Read moreA perennial Festuca pratensis ley was grown during 3 years in a field experiment at Kjettslinge, Sweden. N uptake, defined as the flow of N into the c...
Read moreClimate-driven water variability is a natural phenomenon observed across river basins, but predicted to increase due to climate change. Environmental ...
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