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Forest area is increasing in temperate biomes through active and passive restoration of old fields. Despite the large extension of restored forests, t...
Read moreIt has recently been reported that changing precipitation patterns increase tree mortality and reduce biomass accumulation in northern temperate and b...
Read moreApplied nucleation, mostly based upon planting tree islands, has been proposed as a cost-effective strategy to meet ambitious global forest and landsc...
Read moreDescribes an experiment in which three burns, preliminary slashing [cutting by machete 2-3 ft. above ground], and browsing by goats were combined betw...
Read moreThe canopy of a Tarchonanthus/Acacia thicket on Kenya grazing land was opened up by a series of controlled burns. Two burns killed >50% of the orig...
Read moreCurrent predictions about climate change and its impact on fire regimes have spurred research on how increasing fire frequencies will affect the popul...
Read moreSpatial scale of processes is necessary information to design appropriate ecosystem research and management. In-stream ecological processes are tightl...
Read moreInsecticides used to combat outbreaks of forest defoliators can adversely affect non-target arthropods. Forestry insecticides typically suppress Lepid...
Read moreThe future of temperate forests in the face of global change and anthropogenic stressors remains uncertain. The regeneration stage, which is a critica...
Read moreThe number and rate of non-native plant invasions in forests have been steadily increasing over the last century with profound consequences for the co...
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