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This paper serves as an introduction to a special journal section on grazing and biodiversity in grasslands. Natural, semi-natural and artificial gras...
Read moreSimulation and analytical models were developed for gorse Ulex europaeus. The simulation model incorporated spatially local density-dependent competit...
Read moreWindblown dust, an environmental problem in many disturbed arid lands, has the potential to affect the physiological performance of desert shrubs. Phy...
Read moreUp to 73% of the world's rangelands are degraded, and increasing demand for meat in developing countries and a growing human population are likely to ...
Read moreCalcareous grasslands are diversity hotspots for plant and butterfly species in Europe, but connectivity of these grasslands has been reduced by habit...
Read moreWith changes in the agricultural policy for rural areas in the UK there is increased interest in the development of management protocols for indigenou...
Read moreLimited information exists on approaches to effectively revegetate severely disturbed, barren, subgrade (unconsolidated parent material) serpentine su...
Read moreAlthough the importance of the soil microbiome in mediating plant community structures and functions has been increasingly emphasized in ecological st...
Read moreCarbon cycling in grasslands can be impacted by livestock grazing, partially as an indirect result of herbivory-induced compositional shifts in the pl...
Read moreShifts in species geographic distributions in response to climate change have spurred numerous studies to determine which abiotic (e.g. climatic) and,...
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