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Successful conservation efforts have led to recent increases of large mammals such as European bison Bison bonasus, moose Alces alces and grey wolf Ca...
Read moreIn modern crop production, each plant is often nearly genetically identical to its neighbours, allowing insect pests and pathogens to move easily from...
Read moreIn the current context of global habitat loss, a fundamental challenge is to understand how ecological processes interact to determine community compo...
Read moreAlthough considerable progress has been made in reducing concentrations of persistent organic compounds in the environment, these contaminants are sti...
Read moreHuman-mediated dispersal has been shown to be the most important vector for the spread of invasive species, yet there has been little evaluation of al...
Read moreRiverine floodplains around the world are highly prone to invasions by exotic species. While many processes have contributed to floodplain invasions, ...
Read moreRoads cause functional habitat loss, alter movement patterns and can become ecological traps for wildlife. Many of the negative effects of roads are l...
Read moreClimate over Asian montane rangelands is changing faster than the global average, posing serious threats to the future of the region's livestock-based...
Read moreUnderstanding how to allocate land for the sustainable delivery of multiple, competing objectives is a major societal challenge. The land sharing-spar...
Read moreInvasive plants pose a major threat to native plant communities around the globe. Current methods of controlling invasive vegetation focus on eradicat...
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