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In facing our greatest challenges, researchers have questioned where the 'wild things' will reside in the future, and large carnivores have been a pri...
Read moreEnvironmental valuation provides a way of soliciting and organising information about how people relate to their environments. By canvassing a broad s...
Read moreEnvironmental problems often span a set of challenges that each may engage different policy actors across different policy domains. These challenges, ...
Read moreGardens are culturally shaped environments in which natural processes can be experienced. Thus, they offer insights into the relation people have with...
Read moreRelational values recently emerged as a concept to comprehensively understand and communicate the many values of nature. Relational values can be defi...
Read moreWhether new technologies will have a positive impact on how societies experience nature depends on how particular devices and populations come to inte...
Read moreMany infectious pathogens spend a significant portion of their life cycles in the environment or in animal hosts, where ecological interactions with n...
Read moreThe benefits of exposure to nature for health and well-being have been demonstrated across multiple disciplines. Recent work has sought to establish o...
Read moreTo most conservationists and many parents, it seems obvious that it is a good thing to teach children to value the natural world. Not only does connec...
Read moreCities are seen as quintessentially human; however, because they can offer viable habitat to many plants, animals and other forms of life, cities are ...
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