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Human activities have reduced the carrying capacity of many estuarine systems by degrading and removing habitat. Artificial reefs may increase estuari...
Read moreObservations were made on sugar beet fields in Cambridgeshire and West Suffolk, UK, in April-May 1977 and 1978 from emergence of seedlings until they ...
Read moreThis report focuses on the Marine Restoration Potential (MaRePo) project, which serves as a proof-of-concept study investigating the habitat restorati...
Read moreA 5-yr survey in NSW revealed considerable annual variation in the abundance, racial diversity and virulence of both pathogen populations. Racial dive...
Read moreThe effect of temperature upon the boring activity and survival of a sample of Limnoria spp. taken from Southampton Water was investigated experimenta...
Read moreThe following is based on the author's summary of this account of the distribution and biology of. Oedaleus senegalensis (Krauss), which is based on t...
Read moreAn experiment was conducted by the Māori tribe Ngāi Tahu and researchers (Māori and non-Māori) in Aotearoa/New Zealand, to assess how customary egg ha...
Read moreThis paper presents the results of a field study conducted in Spain, to evaluate the efficiency of installing artificial nest boxes for insectivorous ...
Read moreTo evaluate the impacts of climate change on the primary production of temperate deciduous tree species, the onset and cessation of the growth must be...
Read moreA Littoral Ecosystem Risk Assessment Model (LERAM) is described and evaluated using field data from a previous littoral enclosure study of the effects...
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