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Offset policies are used world-wide as a means to compensate for destruction of ecosystems by requiring developers to restore or preserve ecosystems e...
Read moreThe central motivation to restore ecosystems at a planetary scale has been to reverse degradation and provide multiple environmental benefits, but key...
Read moreThe following is based largely on the author's summary. Observations were made in 1964-68 on the biology and ecology of rice stem borers in Sarawak (E...
Read moreDisplacement is a form of mitigation that involves the removal of habitat to relocate water voles Arvicola amphibius from <50 m sections of waterco...
Read moreThe impacts of a warming world are affecting food production in every corner of the globe. From shifting rainfall patterns and growing seasons, to mor...
Read moreThe rewilding of landscapes through the promotion of natural ecological processes is a contemporary approach to nature restoration and conservation. I...
Read moreRice production in Vietnam emits approximately 13% of total GHGs of the country. It is a significant source of methane, but also fine-particulate matt...
Read moreClimate services are important in helping smallholder farmers manage climate-related risks and adapt to climate change, especially for rainfed agricul...
Read moreTurfs transplanted from native vegetation can be used to restore diverse plant communities on disturbed sites. There is, however, limited understandin...
Read moreLarge tree decline is occurring globally with critical implications for biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Restoration thinning is a potential man...
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