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Ecosystem services can maintain or increase crop yield in agricultural systems, but data to support management decisions are expensive and time-consum...
Read moreIt is intuitive that the health status of wildlife might influence conservation translocation outcomes, however, health as a topic has received limite...
Read moreAccurate predictions of the abundance of migrating birds are important to avoid aerial conflicts of birds, for example, with aviation or wind power in...
Read moreEstuaries are unique and complex systems that are important for ecological, cultural and economic reasons. They provide valuable habitat for biodivers...
Read moreDung beetles have key roles in ecosystems including accelerating dung decomposition, improving nutrient cycling and influencing physical (such as stru...
Read moreIn the face of the global biodiversity crisis, collecting comprehensive data and making the best use of existing data are becoming increasingly import...
Read moreBird collisions with aircraft pose a serious threat to human safety. However, broad-scale patterns in how bird strikes might vary through space and ti...
Read moreNature-based Solutions (NbS) have rapidly been gaining traction across the research, policy and practice spheres, advocated as transformative actions ...
Read moreWildlife managers require defensible and transparent population estimates to justify species management. Statistical population reconstruction (SPR) i...
Read moreAnimal-related content on social media is hugely popular but is not always appropriate in terms of how animals are portrayed or how they are treated. ...
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