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The long-term sustainability of natural and bottom-cultured mussel beds relies on the availability of spat (i.e. juvenile mussels). Traditional spat c...
Read moreMost fish stocks world-wide are fished at maximum sustainable yield (MSY) or overfished, as many fisheries management strategies have failed to achiev...
Read moreUnderstanding how chronic anthropogenic disturbances are distributed in space leads to more effective conservation and management practices. This stud...
Read moreGlobal wetland loss means constructed urban wetlands are an increasingly valuable resource for conservation. However, priorities for managing urban we...
Read moreThe effect of climate change on wild bee communities is of major concern since the decline of bee species could imperil the provision of pollination s...
Read moreThe occurrence of enemy-free space presents a challenge to the top-down control of agricultural pests by natural enemies, making bottom-up factors suc...
Read moreDespite the benefits of a diverse approach to crop pollination, global food production remains reliant on a low diversity of managed pollinators, espe...
Read moreMany lowland rivers in Western Europe have been substantially modified to aid land drainage and support the intensification of agriculture. Although t...
Read moreThere is concern over the possibility of unwanted environmental change following transgene movement from genetically modified (GM) rapeseed Brassica n...
Read moreTwo interrelated experiments at Basel on the effect of root herbivory by the moth Agapeta zoegana on C. maculosa, under various competitive environmen...
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