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Notwithstanding actions taken to date through policy, programmes and practices, the planet remains on an unsustainable pathway. System level and indiv...
Read moreForest restoration can potentially contribute to multiple global sustainable development goals. Yet, little is known about the factors associated with...
Read moreThe effects on birds of human disturbance through recreation is an issue of conservation concern. With the passage of the Countryside and Rights of Wa...
Read moreUpland heaths in the UK are of significant conservation importance. Large areas are managed through prescribed burning to improve habitat and grazing ...
Read moreThe present study aims to provide a summary of the most important lessons learned on how to facilitate access to financial services and climate risk m...
Read moreThe evolution of fungicide resistance in agricultural and natural ecosystems is associated with the biology of pathogens, the chemical property and ap...
Read moreThe distribution of Urophora affinis (Frnf.) and U. quadrifasciata (Wied.) among the flower heads of diffuse (Centaurea diffusa) and spotted (C. macul...
Read moreOne approach for measuring the potential biodiversity in new urban construction projects is through ecological models that predict how wildlife will r...
Read moreForest structural complexity has been identified as an important driver for promoting simultaneously biodiversity across trophic levels and multiple e...
Read moreWhile subsistence poaching is a large threat to wildlife conservation in Southern Africa, this behaviour is seldom researched. Individual and communit...
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