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Avenue Appia 20, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland World Health Organization = Organisation mondiale de la Santé County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2N...
Read moreGerminable seed banks in the soil were determined for: a grazed heathland; 4 first generation Picea abies plantations age 30-73 yr; and one recently c...
Read more1. There is mounting concern that people living more urbanised, modern lifestyles have fewer and lower quality interactions with nature, and therefore...
Read moreThe striped flying barb Esomus metallicus is a small indigenous cyprinid found profusely in the plains of Lao PDR; it is an important edible protein r...
Read moreA recent reappraisal of the evidence of the effects of cyclodiene insecticides on sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus and kestrels Falco tinnunculus in Brita...
Read moreHuman harvesting has a large impact on natural populations and may cause undesirable life-history changes. In wild ungulate populations, unrestricted ...
Read moreThe ecology of C. scoparius (broom) was studied between 1993 and 1997 in southern France to investigate how it can become an invasive weed in its nati...
Read moreFisheries can affect non-target species through bycatch, and climate change may act simultaneously on their population dynamics. Estimating the relati...
Read moreLarge tree decline is occurring globally with critical implications for biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Restoration thinning is a potential man...
Read moreUnderstanding how transformed habitats act as reservoirs of biodiversity is a key challenge at a time when ecosystems are under unprecedented pressure...
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