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The purpose of this study is to discuss different ways of implementing the Food Security in a Climate Perspective strategy 2013-15 in relation to supp...
Read moreThis report begins by describing three major modes of anticipated environmental change and their impacts on forests in England: (i) directional change...
Read moreIn field studies in the UK in 1973-75, Hemiptera were sampled from 2 contrasting grasslands sown in April 1973 on a chalk soil which had previously gr...
Read moreIn field studies in the UK, Hemiptera were sampled using vacuum nets from replicated sown swards of 2 contrasting types, a fine-leaved grass mixture a...
Read moreThe Auchenorrhyncha faunas of 2 contrasting types of grasslands seeded on chalk at Royston, Herts, UK, were compared with those from a range of semi-n...
Read moreGenetic differentiation in Orchesella cincta populations from various sites contaminated by heavy metals in the Netherlands, Belgium and German Federa...
Read moreFluctuations in the abundance of the noctuid Archanara geminipuncta, which causes damage to the silicate-rich shoots of common reed (Phragmites austra...
Read moreThe seasonal biology and ecology of Microtonus aethiopoides, a parasitoid of the lucerne pest Sitona discoideus, were studied in laboratory and field ...
Read moreForests of mountain birch (Betula pubescens subsp. tortuosa [B. tortuosa]) in the lower parts of the Abisko valley, northern Sweden, and in the Finnma...
Read moreThe effects of fenitrothion on reproduction in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) was examined in a New Brunswick forest cutover in t...
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