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Studies have shown that many adult and immature insects are able to maintain body temperature well above, and often independently of, ambient temperat...
Read moreSpatial distribution, abundance and habitat requirements of Ragadia makuta (Satyrinae) were studied in Sabah (Borneo) during August 1997, in undisturb...
Read moreThe subtropical humid forest of Meghalaya (India) has been exposed to various kinds of disturbance of varying magnitude during recent years; felling o...
Read moreMore effective control of the tsetse fly in Africa will reduce constraints imposed by the livestock disease, trypanosomiasis. Trypanosomiasis lowers l...
Read moreDefoliation of oak trees and seedlings (Quercus petraea, Q. petraea and putative hybrids of the 2 species) by various lepidopteran species was investi...
Read moreAnimal-vehicle collisions are a serious problem for road planners and biologists concerned with traffic safety, species conservation and animal welfar...
Read moreTwo burning regimes (burning each year during 1958-60 and burning in 1958 and 1960 only) were compared for the clearance of thicket in Acacia woodland...
Read moreOver 85% of the world population of pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) winter in Britain and throughout their winter range they use crops vulner...
Read moreLight-demanding trees and thorny shrubs in temperate plant communities may reflect adaptations to now-extinct large grazers, such as aurochs and tarpa...
Read moreObservations on the behaviour of bees visiting black currant, raspberry and strawberry flowers showed that bees touched both stamens and stigmas of ne...
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