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Global freshwater demand is increasing dramatically, with water withdrawal rates more than tripling in the last five decades. Consequently, alteration...
Read moreEcological restoration often involves returning ecosystem structure to some predisturbance reference state, but ecosystem function must also recover i...
Read moreThe seasonal pattern of above-ground live biomass production of a C4 Mitchell (Astrebla spp.) grassland community in subtropical, semi-arid Queensland...
Read moreThe joint meeting of the 6th International Conference of Rodent Biology and Management (ICRBM) and the 16th Rodens et Spatium (R&S) conference was...
Read moreLowland Calluna-dominated heathlands are a high priority for conservation in Europe. As an anthropogenic subclimax community they require regular mana...
Read moreThe saltmarshes of south-east England are eroding rapidly. Field and laboratory experiments were used to test the hypotheses that: (i) at the mudflat-...
Read moreThe effect of grazing by red deer (Cervus elaphus) was assessed in eight native pinewoods (dominated by Pinus sylvestris) in the Scottish Highlands in...
Read moreThe loss of foundational but fire-intolerant perennials such as sagebrush due to increases in fire size and frequency in semi-arid regions has motivat...
Read moreThe ecological effects of harvesting from wild populations are often uncertain, especially since the sensitivity of populations to harvesting can vary...
Read moreRestoration of key species in dynamic coastal ecosystems benefits from reduction in environmental stress. This can be realized by promoting positive f...
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