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Recognizing variation in human-nature relationships across different contexts, entities of nature and individual people is central to an equitable man...
Read moreThere is a long-standing relationship between humans and vertebrate scavengers, as scavengers' contributions take on regulating (e.g. nutrient recycli...
Read moreSaltmarshes are increasingly recognised for the range of benefits they offer, including coastal protection, flood regulation and carbon sequestration....
Read morePatterns of connectivity influence pest population system dynamics, and it is essential to consider connectivity when planning effective management st...
Read moreLittle is known about the pollinators of rare plants, which is cause for concern given that pollination is essential for the long-term survival of mos...
Read moreGradients of animal impact known as piospheres tend to develop around artificial watering points, particularly in arid zones. Such grazing gradients r...
Read moreManagement decisions are increasingly based on matrix models intended to predict the long-term fate of endangered species. However, certain elements o...
Read moreOutbreaks of the water vole Arvicola terrestris cause severe damage in grasslands of upland regions of Europe. The sheer speed of this phenomenon is a...
Read moreThe Australian Government is facing the considerable challenges to cut back greenhouse gas emissions to five percent under 2000 levels by the year 202...
Read moreSilvicultural practices and human-induced alterations to natural disturbance regimes have contributed to a dramatic decline in shortleaf pine (Pinus e...
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