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Disturbance is widely believed to facilitate invasions by exotic plants, but is also important for the persistence of many native species. The results...
Read moreInvasion by alien plant species represents a challenge to land managers throughout the world as they attempt to restore frequent fire-adapted ecosyste...
Read moreDispersal and host-foraging activity are important behavioural characteristics for parasitoid species used as biological control agents. Appropriate m...
Read morePatch structural complexity affects local species richness and population densities. Anthropogenic disturbance may alter complexity and heterogeneity,...
Read moreIn field studies in the Drentse A nature reserve, Netherlands, standing crop and species composition of three different fields cut for hay were studie...
Read moreThe abundance and diversity of flowering plant species are important indicators of pollinator habitat quality, but traditional field-based surveying t...
Read moreShort-term recruitment and long-term regeneration of 18 species of shrubs and trees in over 600 populations in eastern South Australia were determined...
Read moreWoodland vegetation can be restored via natural succession in sites that are adjacent to woods which can act as seed sources for trees, shrubs and woo...
Read moreGenetically modified (GM), herbicide-tolerant crops have been adopted extensively worldwide, resulting in increased homogenization of agricultural pra...
Read moreCalcareous fens are among the most threatened and declining ecosystems throughout Europe and act as refugia for many endangered species. Traditionally...
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