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Hybridization seems possible for many crop species after pollen transfer from crops to wild relatives in the surrounding vegetation. Subsequent introg...
Read moreIn Panama, abandoned agricultural lands that supported tropical rain forest are invaded by the exotic invasive grass Saccharum spontaneum, which precl...
Read moreThe ability of animals to move through a landscape is a fundamental determinant of population persistence in fragmented habitats. This movement can be...
Read moreIncreasing sea temperatures are predicted to decrease body size of marine ectotherms based on the temperature size rule. This will impact fisheries yi...
Read moreRising human activity in the Arctic, combined with a warming climate, increases the probability of introduction and establishment of alien plant speci...
Read moreGrowing industrial and consumer demands are negatively affecting fish stocks, which are increasingly extracted above sustainable levels. Successful ma...
Read moreThe European Council Water Framework Directive requires reference conditions to be determined for all water body types including lakes. We examined th...
Read moreCulling wildlife as a form of disease management can have unexpected and sometimes counterproductive outcomes. In the UK, badgers Meles meles are cull...
Read moreHabitat management methods are crucial to maintaining habitats in the long term and ensuring vital resources are available for declining species. Howe...
Read moreGlobal aquaculture relies heavily on the farming of non-native aquatic species (hereafter, NAS). NAS escapes from aquaculture facilities can result in...
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