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enThis link goes to a English sectiontaThis link goes to a English section Pollination is a crucial ecosystem service contributing to global food secu...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionzhThis link goes to a English section The intercropping approach of Eucalyptus and native trees has been widely r...
Read moreAnthropogenically driven environmental changes over recent centuries have led to severe declines of wildlife populations. Better tools are needed to a...
Read moreMangroves are significant carbon (C) sinks and ecological engineers as they accumulate sediments and increase soil surface elevation. Thus, the forest...
Read moreExtensive global estuarine wetland losses have prompted intensive focus on restoration of these habitats. In California, substantial tracts of freshwa...
Read moreSemi-natural grasslands are among the richest European ecosystems in terms of biodiversity. However, they have been severely affected by farming inten...
Read moreWe report on a long-term evaluation of biological control of an invasive cactus, Opuntia stricta, in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. By formin...
Read moreWhere agriculture expands into tropical and subtropical forests, social-ecological impacts are typically strong. However, where and how frontier devel...
Read moreConnectivity modelling tools are important for developing mitigation strategies to alleviate negative impacts on animal movement caused by road networ...
Read moreThere is increasing evidence that passive faunal recolonisation of restored areas can take decades or even centuries, reducing benefits to biodiversit...
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