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Children's interest in nature is crucial for their understanding and appreciation of the natural environment, as well as for their mental health and b...
Read moreSharks, rays and their cartilaginous relatives (Class Chondrichthyes, herein 'sharks') are among the world's most threatened species groups, primarily...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionmgThis link goes to a English section Anthropogenic climate change has an unprecedented impact on ecosystems and ...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionswThis link goes to a English section Conflict between humans and elephants is one of the more complex examples o...
Read moreMonarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) have undergone large scale population declines leading to multiple conservation organizations encouraging the c...
Read moreenThis link goes to a English sectionjaThis link goes to a English section The ongoing degradation of Earth's ecosystems through human activities pose...
Read moreVoluntary land conservation, including privately protected areas (PPAs), is a key component of enabling the future of biodiversity on Earth. According...
Read moreThe majority of research into the mental health benefits of blue space (outdoor places where water is a central feature) has focussed on the associati...
Read moreLocal ecological knowledge (LEK), tied to specific cultures, is crucial for sustainability in conservation initiatives. Therefore, including holders o...
Read moreThe ongoing biodiversity and climate change crises require society to adopt nature-based solutions that integrate and enhance ecosystems. To achieve s...
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