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The benefits of organic farming to biodiversity in agricultural landscapes continue to be hotly debated, emphasizing the importance of precisely quant...
Read moreBumblebees provide an important pollination service to both crops and wild plants. Many species have declined in the UK, particularly in arable region...
Read moreInformation is given on climate, soil types, vegetation, rural sociology, agriculture and land capability in the above survey area. The subtropical sc...
Read moreThe invasion of exotic grasses into savannas is occurring globally. Despite threats to ecosystem processes and biodiversity, few studies have investig...
Read moreMany grasslands in north-west Europe are productive but species-poor communities resulting from intensive agriculture. Reducing the intensity of manag...
Read moreMost insecticides are insect neurotoxins. Evidence is emerging that sublethal doses of these neurotoxins are affecting the learning and memory of both...
Read moreEcological intensification involves the incorporation of biodiversity-based ecosystem service management into farming systems in order to make crop pr...
Read moreCoastal wetland ecosystems are expected to migrate landwards in response to rising seas. However, due to differences in topography and coastal urbaniz...
Read morePopulation differentiation in the collembolan Orchesella cincta under the influence of metal soil pollution was studied by measuring Pb and Cd excreti...
Read moreWoody riparian vegetation (WRV) benefits benthic macroinvertebrates in running waters. However, while some functions are provided by WRV irrespective ...
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